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Old 11-27-2006, 04:53 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by billytheskink View Post
I enjoyed that line quite a bit.

I loved Wilt's coachspeak at the ending credits, one of my favorite parts of the episode. Doubt he'd get thrown out for his remarks though, it's what coaches are supposed to do. I've heard far worse from my coaches.

I'd argue that basketball is a contact sport, though (but why argue with coachspeak?). I've got cuts, bruises, and a titanium rod in my right femur backing me up.
Of course, Wilt's basketball injuries are much more severe.
The problem was, Wilt was NOT the coach; he just THOUGHT he was! They were sitting in the "VIP" section, courtside. He was getting carried away because it was his "kid" who was playing, just as many parents do at games nowadays. The others with him were none too happy with his behavior, as evidenced by the "sit down and shut up" looks they were giving him!

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