I'm late giving my 2 cents on this thing and those who visited the "way off topic" forum section will know why. But anyways, I just got done watching the timer recorded Foster's movie and while a scratched the surface of the ass load of posts to this thread, I didn't really have the energy to go through all of em.
Anyways I gave this movie an A, although an A- would be more accurate but regardless, this was a fantastic and very likeable movie. It had MINOR and I mean MINOR problems outside of an overall wonderful first venture into films for the Foster's gang. There were so many well thought out things used here.
Wilt actually taking the initiative and guts to leave Foster's in order to settle things with Fowl Larry, while at the same time still being "Wilt", was an excellent touch. I thought it was great Wilt remained in character while at the same time showing growth and evolution in his personality as he continued his journey.
The lawnmower idea was great in the beginning, I didn't see that coming. The Foster's gang got an equal amount of air time which I LOVED, no offense to Wilt fans, but I think the movie would have sucked if it was JUST Wilt all the time and had no one else to play off of.
I was so estactic to see Frankie getting a long awaited air time increase, as I said before, the geeks drooling over her was a hilarious idea. I totally felt that was a poke at me and the other Frankie fans on the board (I could be wrong but hey, it was a gag I loved nonetheless). Eduardo and Nina stole the show.
It was really interesting to see how Eduardo was created and how he ended up switching roles with Nina in terms of scary person to scared person etc. The fact a cop created such a scary looking yet pillowy IF who acts like a kitten to Nina's baby jibberish and cat purrs was just adorable.
Also, Wilt actually admitting to not only wanting to stay at Foster's for his friends sake but to help out future kids was a very moving idea. It shows Wilt is thinking about more then himself and Jordan and that he wants to help everyone, even if it slows his own goals down (like all those jobs he did).
Now for the "Negative" which is why I wanted an A- instead of a straight up A. Wilt and Eduardo both got pretty detailed character creator looks into their lives, yet were represented with only the people who FOUND Coco, not who made her. It just seemed out of context to leave Coco out this way.
To me, it would have made more sense to reveal Coco's creator in this same movie since they went to the trouble of doing Wilt and Eduardo's in the same one. Second, the Judge with the whole "lawnmower legend" crap was kinda stupid. It just seemed like too far'fetchd to swallow to be funny to me.
Like your pushing the ignorance is bliss joke here with a cartoon. Thirdly, while I understand how Wilt lost his arm, I found the basketball crushing his eye to be weak....literally. It just seemed rather flimsy that something as mundane and hardly that heavy could crush Wilt's eye permanently like that.
This also brings up my confusion as to where those stitches came up on his "whiskers" or cheeks if you will. Unless he scraped his face on the fall (which they didn't really show), I still don't know how they got there. Finally, my last complaint comes with the rapid conclusion of Fowl Ball Larry.
While i loved seeing another new IF villain like Little Lincoln and the SpaceNut Boogies (not to mention being voiced by the very talented Kevin Michael Richardson), I thought his reformation was WAYYY to freaking soon. He was bad for 30 years and then suddenly becomes good after one single game?
It seemed way too Disney that he would suddenly become good and be all right with coming to Foster's after taking so much glee, and joy in knowing he destroyed Wilt's creator relationship and mashed up his body like a pretzel. Unless they plan on using him later on, there didn't seem to be a point to it.
Overrall, I was more satisfied with this then the very annoyingly concocted and hollowly hyped "Make believe it or not". I thought this was while not as well rounded and a great a story teller as "House of Bloo's". There was so much to enjoy here, and such a great balance between all the characters.
Its finally nice to see Wilt and Eduardo's backgrounds and to see how much the Fosters gang needs Wilt and vice versa. And aside from those occasional irks that I said before, I really enjoyed this movie and eagerly look forward to hopefully many more future Foster films.