Blah blah blah gosh I really have nothing to say that someone hasn't already said in the past seventeen pages of this thread.
Well, I loved the movie. Fairly Bloo-less

, but whatever, it's not his movie. Wilt is adorable. He looks freakishly like a snail with two good eyes though. Maybe that's why the one got killed so easily? Snail eyes aren't that strong, you can poke a stalk out. I'm assuming.
Nina and her compulsive ticket-dispensing was awesome too. Blah blah blah spanglish. The whole Floofy thing could have been done without though. A random interlude of operatic narration by Sherrod Brown would've been better. A clip of Sweating to the Oldies. Anything but the goofiewoofie baby talk.
So basically the whole movie is great except for the stupid teddy bear.