I have no idea how they fall off the treadmill. They do get better at it over time, but in the beginning they get bruised a lot.
I picked up the Pets expansion recently, so there may be some four-legged Sims coming up here soon.
So many comments on Frankie's little black dress! She did look great, yeah, in that outfit and a few others I've tried out on her. I'm willing to take requests, by the way, if y'all want to see her or any of the others in a particular outfit, although I don't want to turn this into a "Foster's Fashions" thread. Don't be afraid to ask, though.
New random shots from the Valley
This is the last ever shot of Sweetums Bratman and her Imaginary Friend Tiffany as children:
A few minutes after this shot was taken, the two of them reached their age transition and turned into teenagers:
I don't much care for the outfit that the game chose for Sweetums but I haven't done anything to change it yet. I'll probably pick out something similar to what she wore as a child. With the transition to teens comes the time to choose an Aspiration, too; for Sweetums I chose Pleasure. Fortune might have been a good one for her, but I think it's usually more appropriate for Sims that don't have a lot of money and want to earn a lot more. The Bratmans are already wealthy. Tiffany I gave the Family aspiration, mostly because it just seemed the best fit out of all six choices. Besides, somebody in that house has to be the sensible one.
Oh, that Blake. He juggles, bounces on the furniture like an overgrown cat, and now plays the piano:
Please note that I did not say that he plays it
well. He doesn't. In fact, he's just plain
bad. He'll improve in time, I suppose, but until he does I'm keeping the volume down.
Mr Herriman finds someone new to annoy:
Some of you may remember Gabe the Valley Pest from the old Forum; this is his father Gregor. I don't know who started this or what it was about; I was playing Mac, seen here meeting Sweetums, at the time. The double negatives appeared over their heads, so I swung the camera around to get the shot. Mac and Sweetums got along fine, much better than in
House Of Bloo's, but these two ended up slapping each other. I don't know why Mr. Herriman annoys so many of the other Sims; he almost seems to enjoy it.
Of course, no photo set would be complete without a shot of my favorite Sim:
You can almost hear her saying something like, "Uh, Cass? You know, you don't have to photograph
everything I do." Oh, yes I do, Frankie, yes I do, and in both Bitmap and JPEG formats. This was a random shot; I was playing the house behind her and the game opted to use her as the next walkby. Thank you, game.
And finally, another classic Bloo moment:
Here he's discovered the joy of spying on the neighbors, specifically Checo Ramirez. Whenever any of my Sims spy on the neighbors, they always spy on poor Checo. I don't know what he's doing that they find so interesting; I'm not sure I want to know. Shortly after this photo was taken, Checo ran into the house and screamed at Bloo. Bloo screamed back; they shoved each other. Checo then turned and left, waving at Mac as he left. Bloo went to the kitchen and made a sandwich.
The Valley is a very strange place, but I love it. Hope you enjoy these!