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Old 11-25-2006, 08:28 PM   #18
Agent: Deep Bloo

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Originally Posted by CG View Post
No C, you're not. I noticed it first time I watched the clip thanks to Cassini, his beard was intentionally smaller to show the passage of time between finding Coco on the island, and visiting her at the Creator Reunion Picnic. Which is ironic since the two aren't her creators in the first place.

Plus if they wanted to study her why would they drop her off at Foster's? To see how she interacts with other imaginaries? To get closer to Frankie when the time comes? Maybe to have an imaginary friend you actually HAVE to have a child or something... I dunno. Weird.
My guess is that their research funding may have gotten cut, and therefore they could no longer afford to keep Coco in the lab on a full time biases, thus they sent her to live at Foster's so as not throw her back in the wild.

Just a wild theory.
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