I finally got to watch this! VERY cute movie! It's not the best in the world, no, but then again no TV movie ever is, so it's pretty close. ;P
I felt the conflict between Wilt and Larry could have gone longer. Not the game itself, but more of the dynamics between the two of them and their creators. Larry was created out of jealousy and the burning desire to win (thus his actions on the court and thus why I don't hate him at all), and seeing what HIS creator looked like made me curious about...well, a lot of things.

Floofy and her family annoyed the heck out of me (I do not like cutesy Elmer-Fudd-With-a-Baby-Voice talk, period), so I do think that could have been replaced with something else.
Aww, Eduardo and Nina! Every scene with them interacting made me smile. Loved Coco and her nerds as well. Since she seems to know exactly what to expect from them, I can't help but think she studied them more than they studied her. *laughs*
With his theories on Wilt and his past, Bloo would fit right in with us. XD
The movie definately left some open-ended questions here too (Coco, bent arm vs. missing arm), but I'm actually okay with that. In my view it's a thinking man's show under the guise of a children's comedy, and that's one of the things that makes Fosters as good a show as it is.