Originally Posted by donna323
I think Douglas and Adam really ARE Coco's creators (one of them, anyhow) ... however, I think they are hopelessly nerdy guys who would rather tell a story about themselves than admit they made her up. Or maybe one of them has a little brother that made her up, and they don't have the nerve to say they adopted her from a kid bro.
So, I think they did create Coco, and borrow her, and just told a white lie to make themselves look like explorers.
Sadly your theory already has some holes poked through it. Laruen and Craig have let it be known somewhere on this vast world wide net that Coco was created by a little
girl who survived an airplane crash by riding a red life raft to the island. Coco's beak is based on that raft, her head is the palm trees, her body is the plane, and her legs are the sunburnt legs of her creator.
But maybe all that is lies? Who knows. Hopefully we will find out Coco's real past in another episode later on. With Douglas 'n Adam joining in too of course.