Originally Posted by CG
As much as I'd like to believe that, I don't really think he would have been in a rehab centre. It appears, to me at least, Imaginaries aren't exactly looked upon like living beings with feelings, emotions or anything like that. Just look at how they kept poor Floofy Woogums in the 'Lost and Found' section. AND how in Emancipation Complication both Lil' Lincoln and Moose were confiscated from their children as if they were yoyos or dirty magazines never to be returned to them again. Maybe he would have been lucky to get into a hospital to get it removed, sure; but I don't think they'd allow him into a rehabilitation centre. I'm sure you have a strong case arguing against what I just said, but that's what it's appeared to me through my viewings of Foster's. Imaginaries just don't seem to have the same 'rights' as humans do. Kind of like second-class citizens. No matter how great and wonderful Wilt is, I'm not saying he isn't, he is still an Imaginary and I don't see people going to pay how much it cost for not only to have your arm amputated but also a rehab stay. If he did find someone who'd pay for all of that, why wouldn't that person let him stay with him or her? That's pretty much like taking him in as your own Imaginary. But still, Wilt appears in Foster's 8 years after his incident arm free; at least from the photo. I know you brought up in the chat that with an arm that injured infection would have set in years before he arrived in Foster's; but what if he just out right refused help all through those years? He might have been in excruciating pain but just never wanted someone to take pity on such a loser as he is (at least that's how he felt). For all we know he could have lived with that arm for years, and when Madame Foster either found him, or he wound up on the doorstep of Foster's, she's the one who had the arm finally removed. Despite his probable arguments that no, he doesn't deserve it.
But that's just me.
I know that Imaginaries aren't thought of in the same way as humans, but this is one of the inconsistencies of the show. Wilt has been arrested, and in the movie, he was actually brought to trial(or at least, a preliminary hearing), which seems to indicate that somebody, at least, in some places, acknowledges some sort of rights for Imaginaries. If he was fortunate enough to wind up in what we call a "welfare clinic", operated by the government, he might have at least been there long enough to recover.
As for the time-frame of the arm having to be removed, it would be very likely that infection/ necrosis(gangrene) would have set in fairly quickly, which is why crushing injuries are so serious. Injuries like that not only can break bones and disrupt blood flow, but also rupture individual cells, releasing their toxins into surrounding healthy tissues, poisoning it, since the blood supply is unable to carry it away. Most crush injuries to limbs result in amputation, even if the bone isn't broken, for that reason. Doctors are afraid to take a chance of the person dying just to try and save an arm or leg. Swelling in the non-elastic fascia, or connective tissue between muscles and bones, also further compromises blood flow. There's no way that Wilt would have survived for eight years with a necrotic limb. It probably wasn't too long after he received the injury, and left the scene that he would have started to become severely ill, not just from pain. He might have had to go it without any sort of rehab(and Wilt is just the sort to succede by sheer willpower alone), but he wouldn't have lasted long without some heavy-duty medical treatment and surgury following that incident.