Hi, I've been thinking over a week now, to create a Cartoon Network board game, involving many popular characters (including Bloo etc) in which the players choose a character etc etc and go on a adventure playing across the board and so on and so forth. There are many rules to the game, but the main game is sorta like the game Cluedo (solving a mystery etc etc), but my board game would be a bit more light hearted and instead not be following a murder case, but more like small missions in which you recieve objects for other misiions etc and things go on until the mission is done. Now the reason i'm posting this is: because in order to play the players need characters. And to make it more fun the characters would be paper cut outs stuck onto a object to move around the board. Now what I need from people is to help me find pictures of Foster's characters only on white backgrounds. Mostly I need a Bloo picture which shows expressions e.g. happy with arms stretching out etc etc get it? cuz I don't just want a bloo standing there, with no expression and just a smile. Thank for everyones help. I will post pics of the final process in the end. If you would like to know more about the actuall game, i'll be happy to explain it here. :bloogrin
p.s. If someone could also provide a link to where I could find the pic of this Bloo or atleast similar to it.