I really really enjoyed this movie! There are so many things I loved about it.
I really liked how the movie was planned out - with every helpful task he did, we got to see a little more of his past. I'm so glad that we finally got to see his creator and what happened to him.
There are so many emotion-evoking moments in it! I got kind of angry whenever Larry was
literally beating Wilt on the court. It
really got me when he slammed Wilt's head into the ground...

Though I was happy Wilt didn't stoop to his level and kept playing fair.
It was very touching, too, when Jordan held up his hand and he was still wearing Wilt's wristband. It looked like Wilt was about to cry after Jordan told him everything!
I was SO happy in any situation involving Wilt and Jordan, especially when Jordan saved Wilt and whenever they were playing together in the end. I'm glad that Wilt has found inner and outer peace now with himself, his creator, and (maybe) Larry. (Dunno about Larry... we don't know how Wilt reacted to him after he wasn't a jerk anymore. It's not like Wilt to hold a grudge, but Larry WAS the reason for him losing his eye, arm, and best friend for years.)
I laughed so much during the end whenever Wilt was being one of those "crazy soccer dads" that sometimes get kicked out of games. "THIS IS NOT A CONTACT SPORT, PEOPLE!"
The parts with Eduardo and Nina were uber adorable!! It was really cute how protective of her he was, and how even though she's an adult, she still giggles like a little girl when he hugs her and rocks her. I loved seeing her ride on his head and hold his horns.
My boyfriend recorded this and I've already watched it (I think) 3 times... and I plan on watching it again in the morning.

I can't help myself. It's great.