I love this epsidoe (movie!) It was great & heartwarming, but we still need more Wilt epsiodes. I think Nina comes to see Ed often too. That was cool just seeing the creators. Wilt was cute as non-messed up. I missed some of the middle up to the part when he wwas finsihed cutting the grass, but I can wait a couple hours. Bloo thinking Godzilla created Wilt was halarious.
Yeah, I thought Frankie, Bloo, Mac, Coco, Ed would habe bigger roels. But they all had their shining moments, Wilt hasn't. What a great improvement of "the second epsiode taht shall not be named". I would prefer a full-length movie next tim around though. Nice way to start a season, I can't wait for Feburary.
Overall: A+, My second favorite episode ever!