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Old 11-23-2006, 04:38 PM   #58
"C" the Dragon
Foster's Legend
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Oh man, do I like it!!! We finally got to know part of Wilt!!

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I'm surprised that he would look like that with his eye a-okay and two arms before he lost the game saving his creator!!! And I'm also surprised that's how Wilt lost his arm and eye!! At least it wasn't violent, that's for sure.

I finally get to saw some other expressions on his face! (What? A Wilt-fan like me has to see some expressions on his face! There's still alot I needed to see!)

I'm also surprised that his creator is just like Wilt!!! Well, Actally, a little. It can't be dramatic like say, Wilt was really sorry that he lost but his creator ain't forgiving him until Wilt left and Wilt be stuck like this for life.

I *Love* the ending credits! Wilt's like a coach at the basket ball game! *So* LOL!!

And it's *so* cute that Wilt accedentally said "Chwisthmath" instead of "Christmas" to the small friend! KAWAII!!!!

The rest was good, and I gave it an "A", so, YAY!!!^^

Last edited by "C" the Dragon; 11-23-2006 at 04:40 PM.
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