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Old 11-23-2006, 04:04 PM   #54
Foster's Legend
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Random observations

I love how Coco’s almost adopted Adam and Douglas as her boys even if they’re not really her creator. Her fawning over them at the end, combing hair and wiping cheeks was especially sweet. She probably even referred to them as “And my Douglas and Adam…” in the ‘wrap up’ scene. Aw, mother hennery Coco. How cute!

Eduardo is now the only main imaginary character we’ve seen being created. I am a happy Eduardo fan girl for that. Plus, I loved how he used to carry Nina around on his head, and even as an adult he still did that. And he hugs Bloo ‘n Mac just how he used to hug her too. Aw. More cute.

When did Wilt get those stitches on his face? In the scene where Jordan just runs past the street you see the back of Wilt’s head close up and he already has his middle lobe stitched. Did he do it himself? If so, ouch. Plus then, when did he have his arm removed? Did he walk around with a mangled arm until he came to Foster’s and Madame Foster had it removed because it was giving him so much pain? Hooray. Room for MORE speculation.

I liked the running gag of Frankie and Nina. That poor girl’s gonna owe a lot to the police by the time their whole incident’s over. Parking with a permit, parking in a red zone, speeding, road rage, going through a yellow light… even Jordan Michael wasn’t immune. Parking a leer jet in a city street earned him a ticket too.

Once again it proves what kind of friend Wilt is too. He’s a Helper Friend; it isn’t stated but you can tell right away that he was made to help Jordan become a better basketball. Then he went out of his way how many times to help strangers.

Plus now we’re given a time frame. Foul Larry ‘whooped Wilt’s butt’ 30 years ago. So in the year of 1976 was when Wilt became separated from Jordan, and he’s been at Fosters for at least twenty-two years; meaning he was there in 1984. That’s a good 8 years Wilt has unaccounted for. Just what he did in those years we might never know. He obviously made it all the way across the country, given the 'map' we saw shown where the guys were on one side of the country, and Wilt's destination was all the way on the other end of it. That wouldn't have been easy to do, especially without transport and money to pay for his way there unlike he did here. Hitchhiking with hippies? Walked the whole way? Bring on the fodder fan fic fillers. I know they’ll be coming.


So all in all, did I enjoy the movie? Yes, I absolutely did. Having a look back into just what made our imaginary friends who they are today was a treat to behold. Seeing Wilt animated in his whole form was beautiful, and Eduardo’s flashback moments with Nina were the sweetest things you could see. How things were resolved were very true to the Foster’s fashion, Bloo’s whole recap on their events was a treat, and especially Wilt and Jordan’s make up was a wonderful thing too. What this movie proves is that friendship lasts. Those who matter most will always be there, be it in spirit or in body they will always stay with you, helping you become a better person. I tip my hat to Lauren Faust especially for penning (typing?) this entire movie, she really had her work cut out for her and she did a simply fantastic job. They all did.

And that, my friends, is my two freakin' CENTS.

Oh, and two pieces of art.

Eduardo with Nina
They’re too cute together NOT to be drawn. I gotta draw her as an adult with him now.

Wilt with Jordan
And the man himself with his own creator, back in the good ole' days of 1979. Afro!

NOW I’m done.
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