Douglas and Adam
Douglas and Adam were a nice little addition to the Foster’s cast. They are obviously intrigued with the possibility of making a new science solely dedicated to studying imaginaries and I say good on them! Imaginaries seem to be a lesser race in the world of Foster’s, being confiscated like chewing gum, and put in lost and found departments like a pair of socks. To understand fully what makes an imaginary friend tick both emotionally and physically would be an interesting thing to see. I’d most definitely buy THEIR books on the matter. They were such a pair of kids, also, with their crushes on Frankie. Both of them obviously liked the young woman very much, so much so they fought with flowers over who should give them to her. As well as holding open doors for her. Frankie is obviously not impressed with a pair of geeks being infatuated with her; she has better things to do with her time then feel humbled by these guys. But still she allowed them to join them on their journey, and that was very nice of her also. And whilst she was obviously annoyed she never punched them, or do anything mean to them. She just handled them with ‘yeah ignore them’ but still that didn’t hurt them. Sure it’s still mean to do that, but what else can she do? She has a missing Imaginary on her hand and having two lovesick teenager-like boys after you doesn’t help matters. But in a way, they did help matters. They helped them realise just where Jordan was, and if it weren’t for them the guys would probably not have been able to reunite Wilt with his long lost creator. So to that, I thank them. Plus I think Douglas is hot. Shut up. I like nerds.
Mac ‘n Bloo
Mac and Bloo, I felt, weren’t really up to scratch in the movie. I know it’s hard to fit everyone into his or her own glory scenes in a 60 minute movie, but what I got didn’t feel like it was to the full extent of what it could be. Bloo’s spontaneous screams of just what Wilt could be doing, where he came from and who created him was cute, the gag got way silly towards the end of the movie. Yes I admit I giggled at his Godzilla screams. Mac though, with his optimism in finding Wilt is what kept the group together. Even when Frankie began to doubt that they’d find Wilt, who kept on believing they’d pick up the trail? That they’d find clues? It was Mac, not Frankie. And that shows just how much Mac does care for not only imaginaries in general, but his best friends especially. Many felt they’d all loose heart eventually, but Frankie was the first to voice their negative feelings to her Grandmother on the phone, a surprise for me. But I’m not here to talk Frankie. I’m here to talk Mac, who was the one who realised the connection between Wilt and Jordan Michaels; something that could not have been easy. I mean, no one else in all those years made the connection; true no one else in the past really questioned Wilt about his past and think about just who his creator was, but good on Mac for being the optimistic one in the movie.
Frankie too wasn’t really as great as I thought she would be. Surprisingly enough, as mentioned beforehand, she was the one to really voice their disappointment with the possibility of just turning around and going home. This is really not like Frankie at all. Yes she has a whole mess of chores to do back home, but Wilt has been a part of her life ever since she was a little girl who started hanging around her Grandma’s place because it was so cool and fun to be with all those Imaginary friends. Plus probably having a child around for the first time in years was a big mood lifter for those who had been without children a long time. She had a busload of people and imaginary friends hunting one imaginary who just didn’t seem to want to be found by anyone. Of course we know better, Wilt’s humanitarian personality is what kept him so busy and occupied during his trip. She had a lot to handle, that’s for sure, with that busload. Especially with Adam and Douglas’s relenting attempts to woo her and win her affection. She wasn’t interested, obviously. Maybe she’s just not in the mood for a relationship in general, or she’s being a bit superficial by not finding either of them approachable given their… nerdiness. I don’t know her reason. I’m just glad she didn’t hit either of em.
Last edited by CG; 11-23-2006 at 08:20 PM.