I’m also very pleased to see Wilt has decided to stay on in Foster’s, even if Jordan offered to let him live in one of his mansions Wilt still doesn’t want to leave. But not just because of his love of all his friends in Foster’s, but he knows why he was created. He was brought into being to be a friend to a child, and an imaginary friend not having a child to look after and care for is the most difficult thing for them to do. Jordan was his past, a big piece of his past and he’s obviously grateful beyond belief to have something of his past to smile back upon now instead of feeling all that guilt, as well as having the friendship back. But Jordan was Wilt’s past, his future is still uncertain. Despite his many years living under Foster’s roof and not being adopted, he still holds firm in the belief that somewhere out there is a child who is waiting for him. They might not know it yet, but they will need him one day and the only way he could ever help them is if he stays in Foster’s. It’s touching to see him still so optimistic after all these years, still holding firm in the thought he’d be adopted. And who knows, maybe one day he will. He most certainly deserves to have a child again, to say the least.
Now it’s time for the other character’s roles.
Coco I feel was greatly left out of the movie. The only thing we learn about her is that she was discovered on an island all by herself. Even though the questions actually arose of what happened to her kid, and why she was there all alone, you never get the answer. Technically even if she answered we wouldn’t be able to understand her, but still. Coco holds even more mystery then Wilt. Whilst now we know where Wilt came from, and how he came about; Coco is still unknown. Well sure, through information leaked on the internet (“Thank Goodness the internet offers nobody any privacy!” ~ Adam) we know she was created on that island by the child who survived a plane crash. But what happened to her child? Why did Coco stay behind? Maybe her child was in fact rescued, but Coco felt she was better off staying on the island where she had grown up. It would have been painful for them to separate like that, but maybe her child also felt Coco was better at home alone on an island. But we won’t know until we finally see what happened to her.
Now my favourite character Eduardo got some lovely, tender moments. It was so lovely to see that he and his creator, Nina, still share such a beautiful bond after so many years. The two have such a lovely relationship, despite Nina now being a police officer and a grown woman she can still indulge in the novelties of being a little girl all over again with Eduardo. He does her nails, her hair, and they still play a Spanish game of clapping hands together when they feel bored enough. Plus given the fact he still cares to greatly for her he’d shake the Foster’s bus to pieces for her is great too. She is, after all, his creator. The first thing he did when he was created was scare off two thugs who were scaring her, and the next thing he did was embracing her in his arms and hugged her. That is Eduardo explained in just a few moments of animation. He, like Wilt, helped change their creators too. Whilst loosing Wilt helped teach Jordan what mattered most, with Eduardo around he helped Nina to become braver. Of course Eduardo would protect her at any cost, roaring and charging at any danger to scare it off from her, he is still a very sweet sensitive imaginary who has feelings who get hurt. If Eduardo is always there for her when she’s scared, why wouldn’t she be there for Eduardo when he’s scared? It’s a beautiful balance, and seeing the two together showed just how strongly a friendship can last. He feels no ills for her leaving him there either, sure he probably cried an ocean of tears when she did; but he understands that she loves him, always will, and she will always be back to visit for the reunions. I’d like to imagine she visits him between those reunions too.