Thread: Mac
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Old 11-22-2006, 10:02 PM   #119
One Radical Dude
Big Insensitive Jerkface

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I still think Bloo was better in Season Four. You might think he was bad there, but you gotta admit it could have been worse. No friendship is without conflict, and that's what happened there. If we start worrying too much about how Bloo is such a jerk, then the writers might think he needs to be perfected, and more than likely, the show would change course - and not necessarily for the better. I thought Mac was more harsh on Bloo on Season Four (though not by too much), yet no one really mentions that. I'm not saying that he shouldn't be that way, but I can understand why.

This talk of how Bloo is somehow treating Mac badly and their friendship is going downhill, I'll admit, has really been bugging me a lot lately. I won't get into detail as to what happened (for those that didn't see the season finale). It's not that I disagree with these people, it's just that I fear that the writers may read some of this and get the impression that Bloo's character needs to be completely reformed overnight, or even perfected. All I'm saying is be careful with what you wish for, because you might get it. I don't expect the friendship to be destroyed by either of the two. The only way I can see the two apart is if Mom forces Mac away from Foster's, or if Mac gets furious enough to leave We'll see what happens next. I really think some people feel too strongly about little stuff like that, but that may be just how I feel.

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