Originally Posted by pitbulllady
He was already missing his arm and eye by the time he first appears in the Annual Foster's Photograph, too, so whatever happened(which will indeed be answered on Thanksgiving Day)had happened to him before he came to live at Foster's.
Who said he had already lost an arm AND an eye? We can't tell because of the banner covering his head.
Originally Posted by CG
It will most definately be revealed in the movie, you get to see via a series of flashbacks just what happened to him. Just how he got hurt will make you think even more (if possible) of the one armed imaginary then you did before.
Yay! Flashbacks!
I wonder how I can respect him more than I already do? Hmm...oh well. I guess I'll take your word for it, and find out if ANYONE'S theories were even close to being true. And I'm not saying who's theory was wrong. Except for me. I'll tell I was wrong. XDD
Two words: DON'T ASK.