Well said pbl. Well said. Some are taking this way too seriously, for a split second event.
Well anyway; I finally saw the episode last night. It downloaded with a few hiccups along the way but I personally loved the episode. I'm not gonna over analyse anything tho. I sometimes do, but I don't feel I have to now. You guys have gone well beyond the duty of picking things to a skeleton.
Goo was well handled, for once. She's not a character I can normally associate with, but she was really well done here.
The glamour shots were amazing, they really were. Wilt's reminded me of Transformers, something I haven't thought back on for years. Mac’s of course made me think if Speed Racer, a show I never really watched or got into but I at least caught the reference. Bloo’s made me think if Conan the Barbarian. Goo’s was cute, all girly and sparkly like that. I didn’t catch any reference, if there was one. And Eduardo’s gave me cavities I swear. Very Power Puff Girl orientated to say the least.
I enjoyed it very much. The use of imagination against imaginaries was I think, a stroke of genius.