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Old 11-20-2006, 02:16 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
ORD, if I seemed like one of those "Bloo is evil x100" folks from with my "all-time low" remark, my apologies. I love Bloo, and think he's a very hilarious and unique character, along with nearly everybody else here. But I still it was very wrong of him.

Whether it's three seconds of Bloo turning his back on his best friend, or twenty minutes of Frankie being completely abused and cruelly denied thanks to a mooching jerk named Goofball, some things are just unforgivable and inexcusable, no matter how you put it.

Is there anyone on this forum who has never done something unforgiveable, inexcusable, or just plain STUPID? Anyone? Speak up! I'm not one of them, since I've certainly done plenty of such things, and likely will do some more before I die, because I'm HUMAN. Foster's is a character-driven show, and if we are going to really be able to suspend our disbelief for a half-hour or less each week and find these bits of pixels to be real characters, real PEOPLE, then face it-from time to time, some of them are going to either DO things that are unforgiveable, inexcusable, or just plain stupid, OR they're going to have such things done to THEM. It's life, or in this case, an animated facsimile thereof. As Lauren once explained, you cannot have a character-driven series, in which people really relate to the characters, if everyone is always happy and holding hands and everything is perfect. It won't work. There's going to be conflicts, there's going to be hurt and heartache, and there's going to be things that tick off fans. I didn't like it when certain characters said or did things to other characters, but I am not angry with the show's creative team and I did not hate the episodes in which those things happened. I forgive the one character in particular who's done some things I didn't like, and that character actually remains one of my favorites.


Last edited by pitbulllady; 11-20-2006 at 02:17 PM.
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