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Old 11-19-2006, 11:02 AM   #74
Mr. Marshmallow
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Originally Posted by TheLH View Post
1. We get to see inside Goo's house for the first time! Sure, her parents are still neither seen nor heard, we still see their kitchen, bathroom, and Goo's bedroom, which is a nice touch! I also notice she keeps her braids on when going to bed.

2. More insight into the laws of physics in the Fostersverse! :bloogrin Go on, I know you'll tell me "It's a cartoon, of course the laws of physics can be defyed." but come on, at least it tells us somehow that things can effect IF's if imagined hard enough (Coco's sleeping bomb, the time stop thing)!
Seeing Goo's house wasn't a big deal for me. Sure it was nice to get a general idea, but it's not something I lost sleep thinking about. It would have been more interesting if we saw it for more then a matter of seconds, particuarly her kitchen.

Or better yet, the outside of the house itself. Now far as the Fosters verse "physics" I don't think this will EVER show up again. The imaginary alien friends were created under the rules, weapons, and guidelines of Goo's fanasty play with Mac and Bloo.

They had all the traits, personalities, and abilities of Goo's fantasy and she created them on those traits. So it's only natural they would be affected by Mac's fantasy traits since they were created JUST for those imaginary alien friends. I doubt this would work on anyone else like say Eduardo or Herriman.

Funny thing is, Goo seems to be even MORE dangerous when she's sleeping about an idea. These imaginary friends were stronger, smarter, meaner, and more independant then any of her previous creations. They kicked her out and acted like they were the real thing.

We have never seen imaginary friends act, think, or react this way before. It's scary to think what could happen if Goo has a repeat of this incident.

Last edited by Mr. Marshmallow; 11-19-2006 at 11:02 AM.
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