I'm suprised that a lot of people overlooked a few things while this whole "Bloo dosen't care about Mac in danger!/He was in panic!" [female dog]ing (Sorry!

) discussion was going on:
1. We get to see inside Goo's house for the first time!

Sure, her parents are still neither seen nor heard, we still see their kitchen, bathroom,
and Goo's bedroom, which is a nice touch! I also notice she keeps her braids on when going to bed.
2. More insight into the laws of physics in the Fostersverse! :bloogrin Go on, I know you'll tell me "It's a cartoon, of course the laws of physics can be defyed." but come on, at least it tells us somehow that things can effect IF's if imagined hard enough (Coco's sleeping bomb, the time stop thing)!
And, answering the question on why there's loads of new writers pouring in? Simple, because most of the main writers were busy on GWH, and production of it was probably weaved into all the other episodes this season.