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Old 11-18-2006, 02:17 PM   #9
Razzamatazztic Tap Dancer
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I'm not afraid of spiders...

Really, I'm not...

I mean, I don't have any pet spiders, but that doesn't mean I hate them.

I'm indifferent to them... I think they are cool. I'm not obsessed; I just think they are cool.

Snakes can freak me out occasionally, only when I know it's a species that could potentially hurt me...

I have no issue with mice, either...

Stuff like that doesn't freak me out.

There are so many girls at school who go wild if they see so much as a fire ant near them, and that bugs me (no pun intended). Hey, they don't hurt me.

Which is why I always take the spider outside instead of squishing it when I find one in the house. It just wanted to explore a bit; no reason to end an innocent life.

I feel like a total nerd... In a good way.
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