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Old 11-17-2006, 11:02 PM   #48
Settling In
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
Maybe it's because I hate the "devil may care" attitude that seems to have defined modern culture, but I don't get that at all. If I were in a situation that threatens both me and the people I love most, I would do LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN MY POWER to make sure that they're safe and well. I'm far from being a real-life incarnation of Wilt, but at the same time, I like to think I'm better than neglecting the welfare of others just to 'win' one of life's many stupid and cruel social mindgames.
I almost read that as 'devil may cry.' XD Anyway, it's true some people are that way, but I think you're getting a little too worked up over the idea.

I'd like to think that way too, but it also depends on how well you react to a situation and the time you have. Like when a forest fire got started near my home while my family was away this past summer. I couldn't think of anything but getting my animals to safety and the growing fear of my house being burned down. Luckily for me the fire was too far away to even evacuate, but at least I still had time to breathe and think about what I was going to do. Had the situation happened all of a sudden and I had to do things at the top of my head...the very thought frightens me. We never know what we would do in an emergency situation until it actually happens to us.
"My mom stole my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend stole my wife! Let's get back at them by dating each other! Wait a minute. Daddy didn't think that one through."
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Last edited by CCMars; 11-17-2006 at 11:09 PM.
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