Originally Posted by CCMars
Let's face it: when Panic Mode sets in you don't think of others and their safety. The most you think about is not losing the 'survival of the fittest' game.
Maybe it's because I hate the "devil may care" attitude that seems to have defined modern culture, but I don't get that at all. If I were in a situation that threatens both me and the people I love most, I would do LITERALLY EVERYTHING IN MY POWER to make sure that they're safe and well. I'm far from being a real-life incarnation of Wilt, but at the same time, I like to think I'm better than neglecting the welfare of others just to 'win' one of life's many stupid and cruel social mindgames.
I still haven't seen the episode, so I probably shouldn't be talking about it for now. But I'm already convinced that Bloo leaving his best friend in the entire world behind is an all-time low for him.