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Old 11-17-2006, 09:57 PM   #44
Settling In
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I think part of the reason for Bloo's actions was his state of panic at the time. This does not excuse them by any means, but Bloo basically did what any living creature would do by nature when in a life-threatening situation with little time (such as being chased by someone who wants to kill you). Let's face it: when Panic Mode sets in you don't think of others and their safety. The most you think about is not losing the 'survival of the fittest' game.

Wilt's situation was very different, but what goes on in his mind is next to impossible to understand anyway. Or he could have just gotten too into the part. Actors do tend to do that sometimes.

That said, I really liked this episode, maybe even loved it. Wilt as a bad guy was a treat to watch and so was his duel with Bloo. Goo was plain adorable; as someone said, this was a very good character study for her. Goo admitted to being lonely in "Go Goo Go" and MBION backs up this claim quite a bit, at least in my opinion. On a side note, I can't believe no one has mentioned the Speed Racer and mecha (giant robots) references.
"My mom stole my boyfriend!"
"Your boyfriend stole my wife! Let's get back at them by dating each other! Wait a minute. Daddy didn't think that one through."
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