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Old 11-17-2006, 06:07 PM   #224
Mac's World in Bloo
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
I didn't say what the name was, and it would have no significance except for certain people. There's enough emphasis put on it in the trailer, though, that most people can catch it. Geesh, I don't think that any major Hollywood blockbuster, Pixar's included, has ever generated so much pre-debut discussion and controversy as this one particular movie! I mean, yeah, Wilt's WAY better looking than Brad Pitt and never made an utter fool of himself by jumping up and down on Oprah's couch on television, but still, this is getting too intense even for me!

LOL That image of Brad Pitt jumping up and down on a couch made me laugh. XD

Yeah it is getting intense, which is why I'll say again they made note of this movie WAY too early, giving us too many months to wonder about it. I would have preferred hearing of it maybe one month in advance at most. But it was more like six, if I recall correctly...
*Let your imagination run wild...*
That's MY Bloo, MINE!!

(Avatar piccy belongs to "sperg" of deviantart, sig piccy to "jameson".)
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