Interesting subject to say the least.
Normally stitches either disolve on their own, or need to be surgically removed as we all know. Wilt though, seems to have had these stitches for quite sometime. It's a good question as to why, but it also matters on how he got injured on his frills (that's what I call em anyway) in the first place. Were those pieces of his face basically severed off at some point, like pbl's fingers?
If that is the case, he wouldn't need them now after so long of having them. His flesh wound have mended. But maybe imaginaries heal differently to humans? Maybe he can't heal, or maybe it's still mending and every few months behind the scenes he has to have the old stitches removed and new ones put in.
That was actually a plot point in one of the role play sessions I've shared with Fala in the past. Wilt avoiding the nasty business by hiding up a tree.
But in the show? Who knows. The same deal goes with his arm too. But maybe we'll never know.