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Old 11-15-2006, 10:57 AM   #41
The Best Character on the Show
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Mac: Shyness, kindness, not exactly the person up the highest on the social ladder at the places he goes to; I also tend to look after my friends occasionally to the point where it's like I'm babysitting them, as Mac is with Bloo

Goo: Tendency to ramble on long, non-sequitar speeches as well as a bizarre and overactive imagination

Herriman: Due to the fact that I adhere to the rules, I also demand others adhere to the rules and am a stickler in seeing that others do adhere to the rules

Eduardo: When I was a kid, I was just about as paranoid as Eduardo. I still am to a much lesser degree, but I was primarily so as a kid.

Strong Bad: I'm like Strong Bad in that..........oh wait, Strong Bad isn't Foster's. My bad.
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