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Old 11-13-2006, 08:46 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post

All the early impressions so far, both by gamers and professional reviewers, have been overwhelmingly positive. It is not a gimmick.

Everybody has the right to an opinion--but as a lifelong Nintendo fan, I found that remark to be EXTREMELY ignorant and disrespectful.
no offense was intended, so please don't take it that way.

Nintendo's new controller is new, it's different. Nintendo is going to market that differentiation. That is by definition a "gimmick". It's also not a gimmick I've been impressed with thus far.

If it doesn't make gaming more fun, then why was it made?
I'll resever my final judgement until I get to work with it more, but I'm getting increasingly frustrated by the continuing ineptitude of controller layout designers.
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