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Old 11-12-2006, 03:30 PM   #62
Settling In
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I am Bloo. Hear me roar!  
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Kissimmee, Florida
Posts: 53

I missed this episode recently but was able to see through "other sources".

Things I liked about the episode:

Bloo running around like Daffy when he was let out of Mac's school bag
Wilt as the flag pole
Madam Foster tricking Moose and giving Lil" Lincoln what for.

Things I didn't like:

The way Mac's teacher threw The IFs in the closet. I've had teachers like that and I always got P.O.ed whenever they tore up comic books and what not in front of the students.

I didn't go into this expecting a Mac/Frankie thing. If that happens it will be in its own good time and not before.

Last edited by swarlock; 11-12-2006 at 03:31 PM.
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