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Old 11-12-2006, 02:16 PM   #6
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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My dream is actually more similar to Cassini's but on a more "grander" scale. I would not only like to meet the cartoon heroes of my past and present TV watching expierence. But in all honesty, I would dream to with them.

I wish i could have a big ass house and actually have my fav. cartoon characters as room mates and actually eat, talk, hang out with them. I often find myself day dreaming in school, imagining what would happen if they actually appeared in class that day. Or if I saw them walking down a road.

Like if I'm driving my car and just picture it in my head, I have thoughts like that all the time. I too dream of a family and marrying someone I love. Marrying a toon fem would be indescribable, though despite my love for Frankie, marrying her would be close to my dream of marrying Sailor Jupiter.

Other dreams I want would be to see my fan fics become a reality like, if I could see them on TV as a show or something, and to make movies to see in public theaters.
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