I *wanted* to keep quiet about this because I didn't want anyone to get excited, but after I'd been laying in bed a little while I realised it was important for everyone to know about it just in case. You see, it seems that a person (whom I won't identify) signed up to this forum earlier today with the username "Sparky (Administrator)". They did not make any posts, and I wondered why anyone would go to the trouble to sign up for such a username and then not do anything with it quickly before they were found out - and then I realised they MAY have tried to cause some mischief via PM.
If that person PMed anyone, I NEED TO KNOW. I need to know if you PMed them back. Obviously, if they asked for your password or anything important, whether it pertains to this forum or not, assume that they intend to do something malicious with it. Change your password, do whatever you have to do. That person was NOT me.
I apologise profusely for not notifying everyone immediately about this issue, but I thought they were merely signing up with that username to provoke me, and that they didn't actually USE it. Please please tell me if this person contacted you in any way, of if you have any other information regarding them.