Yes, but it would matter which characters were still included. Foster's just isn't Foster's without Bloo. Many of the episodes are based around something he did, so if you take Bloo away, you're essentially losing loads of top-quality episodes. And since Mac and Bloo come together as creator and creation, taking away one or the other or both would probably lower the calibre of the show. The two are also my favorite characters, and they seem to give me the most laughs. Frankie, Ed, Coco, and Wilt all play major roles, too. Each and every one of the characters in Foster's , even one-shot characters, has an important role to add to the comedy and overall quality of the show. Together, these characters are what make Foster's great. Excluding one would be like taking the oxygen atom out of water; what you have left isn't quite the same as what you started with.