Thread: Coco
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Old 08-20-2006, 06:15 PM   #6
Mac's World in Bloo
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Coco is another favorite and extremely lovable. She can be the strong female character who speaks her mind, boy, you bet she will! LOL (Hm, like the time she said something obviously shocking on how they would be rid of Peanut Butter...)
She seems to be doing so well, despite her somewhat unpredictable sanity, and has a way of cheering others up.

However her No.1 accomplishment was...getting Blooregard Q. Kazoo to say "I'm sorry", and MEAN IT.
*Let your imagination run wild...*
That's MY Bloo, MINE!!

(Avatar piccy belongs to "sperg" of deviantart, sig piccy to "jameson".)
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