Thread: Berry
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Old 08-20-2006, 05:39 PM   #14
At Home
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 134

I really like Berry, just because she's a character I can relate to. It's not something I'm particularily proud of, but that connection's still there. I wonder why she's so afraid of abandonment, why she's obsessed with true love... why is Berry who she is? I think her previous home smothered her with love and she just accepted that as normal... and oh, look, they're not there anymore. Time to get a boyfriend to cling on to in place of a family, I suppose?

I don't get why Berry can't come back more often, she's more interesting than all the other standard new charaters. Maybe it's best she was just kept to one episode, I wouldn't want to see her evolve into the new Cheese.
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