I am posting this in this thread because I know its where people searching for codes, members and guests alike, are flocking. (Well duh, lol.)
I have received a PM from a member who received an unsolicted PM from another member begging for codes. If anyone else has received a PM like that, please PM me about it. (How many times can Sparky say "PM" in one paragraph??") Please don't "tattle" on people publicly on the forum though.
IT IS UNACCEPTABLE TO HARASS OTHER MEMBERS and I *do* consider that harassment, to PM someone begging for something when they never said, "PM me and I'll tell you *whatever*". If I find that this person has sent that PM to multiple "innocent bystanders" they will be banned (though probably only temporarily). Same of course for anyone else guilty of the same thing. Most forums have a rule about that and often permanent banning is the punishment. I never thought I'd have to TELL people not to do it but I'm doing it here, because those silly codes have become such a big deal.
It's okay when people PM or email me begging for codes because I run a BFAHP website so people tend to think I know a lot about it. Lol, I don't really. As you probably know, one can run a website for something without knowing a THING about it.
So anyways. If someone hasn't said specifically, "I know the codes/where to find the codes, PM me", DO NOT PM THEM ASKING/BEGGING FOR CODES. 'Kay?