Oh heck that reminds me, I had a Foster's dream the other day!
I dreamt that we went back to Comic-Con (haven't been since 2009) and that on the last day there was going to be some kind of Foster's related panel. I brought a videocamera and on each day I was recording snippets of stuff around the con. And then in the evening of each day there was some kind of panel where you could go and people would speak and show clips on a screen and for some weird dream reason I was sneaking in at the beginning and hooking up my camera and playing my completely unedited random videocamera clips and totally getting away with it because I guess they were so disorganised that they didn't realise that wasn't part of the panel? And on the first few days I guess my clips were entertaining enough that people were enjoying it, plus it was pretty short.
Well then the last day came and of course most of my recordings were of the Foster's content and so my clip tape for the day was pretty long and kinda rambling, so unedited it kinda dragged. And for some reasohn I STILL decided to sneak in the late panel and start playing it, only this time the audience was quickly bored and started complaining. I had wandered away from where the camera was hooked up and ran into some con staff who were trying to find the source of the video so I tried to get back to the camera to shut it off but got hopelessly lost and then I woke up.
Oh and no I don't even remember what the Foster's panel(s) that day were about.