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Old 07-30-2020, 11:12 PM   #7
The Postmaster

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Currently at 49,670 cases and 4,431 deaths in Connecticut (780 and 131 in my town). We're seeing a rise here after a lull.

Had a routine doctor appointment on the 28th. The hospital was quieter than usual, with fewer patients and staff. The staff were in good spirits. Everyone was masked, of course, and seating in the waiting room had been altered to promote social distancing. Not much I can add to that, other than to note that the bus home was late, but since the CT buses are now apparently fare-free I'm not complaining. On the way home I stopped for groceries at Stop & Shop; first visit to an actual grocery store since way back in March. Less crowded than usual, one-way aisles which most people followed without a problem, a remarkably short checkout line, and, much to my surprise, no change in prices since my last visit. Grabbed what I came for (primarily fresh seafood and greens), paid, sat at the bus stop for 20 minutes, and got home after a 15 minute ride. I've never seen the town look so green; other colors seemed brighter, too. Might be because I'm not usually active until sundown but still, it was very noticeable. Good day but I won't kid myself; it's a nightmare out there, it's still getting worse, and all we can do is wait for a usable vaccine, and hope it comes sooner rather than later. Nothing more I can really say on the matter (without violating the forum rules, at least) so I'll end this here and hope to see an update or two from the rest of you.

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