Holy sh!t, I totally forgot this website existed, I feel so bad, this place rocks XD
But yeah, I've been absent a long time, but I might be on here more often to post art stuff. I'm a bout to rewatch FHFIF and when I do, I'm bound to get a lot of inspiration, so look out. Not that anyone is really paying me any attention.
To keep it on the subject of art, that second link is to image that I'll be using for a project for college!

Fav lines EVA:
"You heartless jerk! I'm sorry, wait, NO I'M NOT ! Is that ok? that I'm not sorry?" -Wilt
"Hows the weather up there? WELL HOWS THE WEATHER DOWN THERE!? " - Wilt
"This place is crazy its crazy! I'm so hungry I'm crazy! I'm crazy! DO DO DA DO!" - Bloo
"Boogie down!" -Wilt
"Wait stop! I just wanna punch you!" -Terrence/Bloo