I read about this the other day and I think it's much ado about nothing. If people don't like the "message" that they think is in the story, well, no one is forcing them to buy the disk or making anybody watch it. Daphne is many things but I don't think anyone in the target audience has ever really seen her as a role model, not today, not in 1969, not in any year in between.
It's also worth nothing that Daphne is a size 2 and increases to a size 8. The average size of today's American woman is 14. I saw a picture of the larger Daphne, and I see average American women every day. The numbers do not add up, and somebody needs to explain this to the artists at Warner Bros.
I also want to say that if the studio
really wants to put a curse on the gang, all they need to do is bring back Scrappy-Doo and let the gang spend the duration of the movie trying to get rid of him.