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Old 06-25-2014, 08:49 PM   #1
Undisputed Ruler of Terrencania
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Default Craig mentioned in Bill Watterson doc

Remember when waynekaa (it was waynekaa right?) put his awesome Cheese puppet up on eBay and Craig bought it? Well...

I was watching "Dear Mr Watterson," the documentary on the creator of Calvin and Hobbes that came out last year and came across this.

It wasn't in the film itself but in the extras, which was just a long (longer than the film) string of interviews that didn't make the final cut. One was with a lady, I think she was just a CaH fan and not a celebrity herself, who had made homemade Calvin and (anthro) Hobbes dolls for someone, I think her husband. She decided to make a doll of Hobbes' plush form, but wasn't happy with how it was turning out and decided to sell it on eBay instead of throwing it out (it wasn't finished). To her surprise the bids went up over $100. While she was boxing the doll for the buyer she saw the name: Craig McCracken! She hurriedly finished the doll and tried her best to fix him up before sending him out.
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