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Old 01-20-2014, 12:58 PM   #2021
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Default What will you dream, Little Nemo

Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland (1989/1992)

I found out recently about this unknown animated film thanks to The Nostalgia Critic, and I have to admit, it's not bad. I mean, there's some major problems with the story, and the opening scene is the most random (kinda like saying 'Every time I say the word 'elephant', the Burger King will appear!'), but the animation is astounding, two of the songs are beautiful (no big surprise as the songs in this film were written by the Sherman Brothers), and Princess Camille is definitely a real cutie. The best moments from this movie for me are
Spoiler Below
Camille punching Flip (trust me, he truly deserved that! ), and the end when Camille and Nemo share a kiss before he wakes up.

Overall, it's not one of the best animated films, but it's nowhere near awful or terrible. It's just an okay film, with great animation.

Last edited by frankie_fan; 01-20-2014 at 05:57 PM.
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