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Old 06-09-2013, 04:06 AM   #2321
Newly Abandoned
Join Date: Jan 2013
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Posts: 40
Default Things that tick me off

Things that tick me off:

-The song All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth
-The birthday song.
-When someone suddenly stops talking to you with no explanation.
-When someone writes a character completely wrong, like in a really stupid way
-When people make stupid mistakes in the thier writing, like completely off canon.
Fav lines EVA:

"You heartless jerk! I'm sorry, wait, NO I'M NOT ! Is that ok? that I'm not sorry?" -Wilt

"Hows the weather up there? WELL HOWS THE WEATHER DOWN THERE!? " - Wilt

"This place is crazy its crazy! I'm so hungry I'm crazy! I'm crazy! DO DO DA DO!" - Bloo

"Boogie down!" -Wilt

"Wait stop! I just wanna punch you!" -Terrence/Bloo
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