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Old 03-02-2013, 11:46 AM   #35
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I love the episode. It shows us a different side of Bloo, one that values his buddies, and misses them, even if he shows it in an odd way. Replace Eduardo? I don't think so XD As Wilt said

"I know you miss Eduardo, but replacing him won't mask the pain the pain your feeling." That is coming the master of hiding his feelings followed by "Plus, its kidda nice to have a bed to sleep in." lolol oh Wilt. XD

but anyway XD I love all the plots XD Bloppypants, Samburger, and Jackie. priceless XD JACKIE'S was most defineltily my fav XD A shout out to Tom and Jerry, or at least old timey cartoons. and the whole Fluffer Nutter thing, I love it, Imaginary couples? I find the idea... adorable XD plus if there were no couples, where all those babies in the nursery come from! but with the vidoe...

"I'll be sendin' all y'all good vibrations from the great beyond! ....except for Wilt."

I, a PROUD Wilt-fangirl, find this... hilarious XD the idea of Wilt having an enemy, for no REAL reason. oh Jackie XD

bt ANYWHOOOOO the ending with Bloo and Ed, adorable. just pain ol' adorable, that Bloo XD he acts like a jerk sometimes but he is just a big ol' teddy bear inside <3
Fav lines EVA:

"You heartless jerk! I'm sorry, wait, NO I'M NOT ! Is that ok? that I'm not sorry?" -Wilt

"Hows the weather up there? WELL HOWS THE WEATHER DOWN THERE!? " - Wilt

"This place is crazy its crazy! I'm so hungry I'm crazy! I'm crazy! DO DO DA DO!" - Bloo

"Boogie down!" -Wilt

"Wait stop! I just wanna punch you!" -Terrence/Bloo
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