This was most definetly an AWESOME episode.
"Thats not a dare, thats a death wish!" even Jackie himself said so XD oh Wilt, you think your clever, me no thinks so

Wilt did fairlly well with the dares, once the real compition started XD but before that, with the trying to give him flat tire XD
"I'm sorry, but I don't think you can someone with hightops a flat tire" or something along those lines XD I need to rewatch XD
but later, with him rolling on old man Rivers lawn, PRICELESS. but Wilt aside, it was still a great episode. The ending especially. Bloo and Mac impersinating one another, adorable XD and sweet, and at the end, the hugs, the hugs of it all!!! I love how Eduardo and Wilt sorta exchange alittle moment there, I love it, Wilt?Ed freindship <3 I imagine they are sorta close XD since for the longest time Ed was Wilt's sole male roomate, no offence to Coco XD
well theres meh two cents :3