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Old 01-30-2013, 03:53 PM   #1
Newly Abandoned
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: my house
Posts: 40
Default something I am working on

This is a thing I am working on. I wold like some opion on it. cause I am stuck and would like to see if it is worth continueing to write. :

Its was a typical day at Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends. Bloo was playing vidoes games with Mac in the game room and Eduardo was playing with his dolls. Coco was... well no one knows quite what she was doing. Frankie was doing the dishes when Wilt sauntered in smiling brightly.

"Hey there Frankie, need a hand?"

"Nah I'm good. thanks for offering though."

"Ok, well when you're done would you mind driving me down to the animal shelter?"

"You have been spending too much time there, Wilt. I know you like helping the animals but I'm worried that you might catch something from those animals."

"Come on Frankie just one more time."

"Fine, but this is the last time!"

"Thank you!" And with that Wilt wandered away.

Later Wilt was at the shelter, helping to clean the animals cages. He loved to help the animals, they were mostly nice and some were really cute! Wilt stuck his large red hand into a cats cage to get it out so he could clean the cage. Wilt yelped in pain when the frightened feline sunk its teeth into his hand. He then pulled the cat out and sat it on a counter. After giving the cat a firm scolding, and then apoligizing by giving it a treat, he continued cleaning cages unstopped.

The next day Wilt was helping Frankie wash the bus, man was that thing filthy! Bloo convinced some people to a mudball fight, needless to say the side of the house needs to be washed as well.

"Hey Wilt, is that a bit mark on your hand?" Frankie said peering closily at his only hand.

"Oh that! Yeah a cat but me the other day, no big deal."

"It looks like is getting infected."

"Don't be silly! I'm fine! I'm at bigger risk at catching a cold from washing this bus in the middle of Febuary! "

"Hey you offered to to help!"

"I was trying be helpful, is that ok?"

".... Just keep scrubing."

The next day Wilt was fine and peachy but as time worn on he started to devloped flu like systoms. By the time a week had passed Wilt felt aweful, but of course, Wilt would never let anyone know that.

"Wilt aren't you going to eat your dinner?" asked Frankie.

"Oh I'm sorry, but I'm not that really that hungry, is that ok?"

"But you slept through breakfast and you skipped lunch. You gotta be hungry. "

"Well I'm sorry but I'm not... i-is that o-ok?" okay he's lying now.

"Are you ok? You look sorta pale..."

"Wh-what. PFT no. I just. I mean. I mean. I mean. I mean. I am... um."

"Wilt, we have over this. If your sick. YOU. HAVE. TO. REST."

"I'm sorry, but I am fine!"

"Miss Franis, stop harrassing Master Wilt!" exliamed Mr. Herriman.

"Hold your horse, Fuzz Butt, let me handle this."

"I'm sorry but can be exscused from the table?"

"No, Wilt, you stay intill you have cleaned your plate."

"I am afriad I have to agree with Miss Franis on this one."

"Oh come on I-"

"No buts, eat your food"

Wilt really didn't want to eat. He had eaten earlier, and that didn't end so well for him, but it appeared he wasn't being given a chioce. Wilt hesitantly started to eat his food. Frankie watched him with a carefull eye as he slowly chewed his food. She knew something was wrong and she was going to find out. Half way through his meal Wilt felt a twist in his stomach and a hot sensetion rose in his throat, he hastily got up and dashed off to the bathroom.

Frankie got up with a sigh of discontent, this was just like Wilt. Wilt was sick pretending to be fine, just like he always did. He always made it worst for himself. She tudge off in the direction he went, there was no way he would make it to the bathroom. When she walked to him she was proven right, for Wilt was leaning against the railing of the stairs puking his guts out. Frankie walked up and rubbed his back and waited intill he stopped vomiting.

"Must I say I told you so?"

"No I'm good." Wilt said before coughing voliently.

"Wilt we have ducussed this-"

"I know, I know. I gotta rest."

"So lets get you up to the infermery. You aren't looking too well."

"O-okay." With that Frankie gently lead Wilt up to the infirmary and laided him down on one of the beds.

"You probly got sick helping me with the bus."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, just get better."

"I'm sorry."


"For this." Wilt said before leaning over the bed railing and puking. Frankie cringed slightly and started to comforting him. After cleaning up his vomit she got Wilt all set up with the normal sick person stuff. cool cloth on head, themometer, ect, before sprending the news of Wilts being ill.

Later that week Coco made a card for Wilt and the whole house signed it, though Jackie Knones message wasn't so pleasant. Coughing, hacking, sneezing. Wilt had all the classic flu symtoms. As time passed the systoms eased up, he coughed less and he felt less sick to his stomach. Wilt seemed to be getting better but they were teribly wrong.

Wilt was sitting down at breakfast for the first time in about a week, He felt alittle but better but there was room for improvement. The lunch was going well, Wilt felt relitivily fine. He had tickle in his throat and he still felt alittle weak, but aside for that he felt fine. He was eager for this meal, he hadn't eaten any real food in a week. Bloo was eating with his mouth open and Mr. Herriman was scolding him, everything was as it should be. Wilt was finally getting back to normal, but as suddenly as this sense of sercurity of his health had fallen over him it was taken away. Wilt felt a sharp pain in his stomach his head spinned and then the world grew dark to him and he fell to the ground with a thump.

When Wilt eyes opened he seemed drained of energy. He couldn't feel his arms and legs and his stomach was back in knots, he was drenched in sweat and he felt chills. Through his slightly blurry vision he could see he was back in the infirmary and Frankie was standing over him with a worried look on her face.

"Wilt.... Are you okay?"

"I.... I don't.... I don't know." Wilt said in a weak tone of voice before wheezing loudly.

"Do you need me to get your inhaler?"

"N-no... I'm good..."

"Wilt.... what happened..."

"I don't know..."

"Well your fever is back up... its way up..."

"Frankie.... Frankie!" Wilt said before wheezing, "I-I can't feel my arms... o-or my legs."

"Oh no... c-can yo move them...?"

" ........ n-no"

"Oh man Wilt this is bad... maybe we should bring you to the hospital."\

"N-no! I-I'll be okay, really.... d-don't worry."

"If you say so.... just rest." she got a small nod in response.

Wilt's condition slowly started to deteritate over time, his fever increased and he couldn't keep any solid food down. After about a week the convulisions started. Wilt was in a great amount of discomfort at all times, stomach pain came in waves. He was tired but he could hardly move. Dispite all this he continuely rufused medical treatment, or at least he refused to go to the hospital, after the convulstions started they had a doctor come over and take blood work. They were still waiting for the results.

Wilt was laying in his infermiry bed, taking in slow painful breaths, his skin was pale and the sheets were soaked in sweat, there was a puke bucket by his bedside. Wilt's weak face was full of anguish and his eyes were vacant of there normal life and spirit, they where blank of any real emotion or joy. Frankie stood over his bed and held his pale hand, her face was filled with dispear for her freinds condition. She tried and tried to get him to go to the hospital but he was so stubborn when he wanted to be.

"Wilt.... pl-please... pleeaasseee go to the hospital..." Wilt garbled something that Frankie took in as a no. Wilt then started to convulse agian and Frankie held him down to prevent him from harming himself. The convulsitions soon ceased to happen and Frankie went back to holding his hand. Madame Foster walked in with a slightly frighted look on her face.

"Whats wrong, Grandma?"

"The doctor just called, Dear, they got Wilt's blood results back."

"Wh-what's wrong?"

"They can't quiete determine what's wrong with him. They say its some sorta... virus... or something. They haven't seen anything like it before...."

"Thats it... We are taking him to the hospital..."

They took Wilt to the hospital but it wasn't of much help. The disease was new and they had no real treatment for it. They thought it came from the cat bite he had on his hand, which was swollen. They gave him antibodics, but they failed to work and Wilts conditition cotinued to ditirate. Wilt's ever lasting optimism was gone from his being and it seemed all hope for the tall red guy was starting to fade with it.

"W-wilt... buddy are you awake?" Said Frankie taking hold of his flail hand. Wilt nodded weakly in response.
Fav lines EVA:

"You heartless jerk! I'm sorry, wait, NO I'M NOT ! Is that ok? that I'm not sorry?" -Wilt

"Hows the weather up there? WELL HOWS THE WEATHER DOWN THERE!? " - Wilt

"This place is crazy its crazy! I'm so hungry I'm crazy! I'm crazy! DO DO DA DO!" - Bloo

"Boogie down!" -Wilt

"Wait stop! I just wanna punch you!" -Terrence/Bloo
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