I had a Foster's dream a while back, and somehow I was Bloo.
I remember climbing on top of a hot air balloon the five were in and then pulled out a needle... Bye bye balloon and a good long talk from Mr. Herriman!
Then I finally do a good deed Mr. H is no where to be found!

Go figure. A day in the life of Bloo.
Edit: I also had a faint dream not to long ago of the inside of House realistic detail. It was
GORGEOUS! I can't recall any IF but I'm sure they were there.
Come with me,
and again you shall see,
the Home of pure Imagination.
Their story is not yet over...
5/20/13- Planning on improving my cartooning and scriptwriting skills this summer...
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Reimagined
Status: 45 episode ideas, two partially written.