Originally Posted by Cassini90125
I'd start a Sailor Moon thread, but I think it would just be you, me, and an occasional post by a few other members. 
Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow
So? Support is support no matter how many or how few you have to back it up.
I guess the same could be said about Cardcaptor Sakura. I figured if Cass can start a thread about Sailor Moon, why can't I do the same with CCS? So, here it is.
Cardcaptor Sakura was the show that got me into anime. When it first premiered in 2001 in Australia on Cartoon Network's Toonami (as the butchered Nelvana dub), I really got into it. The characters were engaging and fun, and the episodes were fun to watch as well. Ever since then, I've grown a lot and now have a good understanding of dub vs. sub (even though I prefer the dub), and it wasn't until recently that I was able to watch the anime
PROPER without any butchering.
I'll be posting my reviews of the episodes I've seen per DVD disc, and if they're other fans here on this forum, feel free to post here on any characters you like, favourite moments, or anything.
So far, I've just finished Disc 2 of Collection 1, and I'm suddenly reminded why Sakura is my all-time favourite anime character. Not only is she adorable as hell, but she has great interactions with other characters on the show, especially from Yukito. Seeing her blush makes me feel warm inside every time. Of course, with Syaoran Li now part of the group, it's hysterical seeing him get so nervous around Yukito. His facial expressions are brilliant as well. In the episode where the MIST Card nearly collapses the set of a play Sakura's brother was in, Syaoran's 'WTF/You've got to be kidding me' face at the end was
HYSTERICAL! Here's hoping the next disc introduces Meilin! She's going to be a blast!