What does everyone think of this episode?
I haven't seen a thread for it yet, but I only watched it today (for the first time). However, I get the feeling it isn't well liked (I've seen it on the 'least favorite' thread quite regually), as I've heard it has Bloo at his worst.
I was pleased with this one, it was interesting to see the characters surviving in an outside enviroment away from Fosters. * The scene near the end (from the rope-bridge to the quicksand) was very good, and there was a real sense of danger. I also like the bit with the rabbits at the end too
There was plenty of room for improvment though:
-I'd of liked to have seen a little bit of Frankie coping without Mr. H (just fine, it seemed)
-The ending was a little rushed. Were they camping at fosters all along? It seemed too sudden
-Felt a bit sorry for Mac, he had such enthusiasm,I would have liked to have seen it made up for him (lik getting revenge on Bloo)
-Finally, I wanted Bloo to get his commupance for being such a jerk! (like he did in SqueakerBoxxx

Any other views?
*these are all based on first impression BTW, my opinions may have changed a little since