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Old 11-02-2010, 05:35 PM   #450
Agent: Deep Bloo

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Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love (Wii, Also available for PS2)

Intro Movie:

The latest in the long running series of Japanese, Graphic Adventure/Dating Sim/Tactical Role Playing Games. And the first to be localized and sold in North America.

For any one who hasn't heard of this series, the basic gist of these games has you playing as the sole male captain of an all lady squadron of battle robot pilots, and the social relationships you forge with these ladies will directly affect you and your squad's performance on the battlefield.

It's a fun niche title with a pretty good story, well drawn and expressive characters, unique setting ( In the case of this game, a very anachronistic version of 1920's New York) and a kicking soundtrack. And tons of reply value as you can end up with a different girl at the end of the game via the choices you make while playing.

The only minor gripes is the in game graphics can be a little on the bland side and some of the English voice acting can be a little grating at times. (But if you can find the PS2 version there is an option for Japanese voices.)

A pretty good find for those who like me, enjoy quirky niche titles.
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